Solutions for Dyslexia

How can Dyslexia be mastered?

Davis™ Mastery for Dyslexia Programme

The Davis Mastery for Dyslexia programmes have been proven to increase reading ability. There is a 97% success rate for clients who complete the programme.

The Davis Programme empowers children and adults who experience difficulties with reading, writing, spelling, handwriting, and language.

The client learns self-regulation methods for controlling perception, as well as skills for eliminating confusion regarding language symbols through Symbol Mastery.

The Davis™ Mastery for Dyslexia Programme will include all or most of the following:

  • Training of self-help techniques for controlling perception and turning off disorientation
  • Mastery of confusing letters, symbols, numbers, and reference skills
  • Balance and co-ordination improvement
  • Self-awareness tools for reducing stress and controlling energy levels
  • Reading enhancement
  • Spelling and⁄or handwriting improvement
  • Time management skills
  • Speech and hearing skills
  • Training in how to use creativity as a learning tool
  • Writing techniques
  • Training for a family member or support person
  • Materials required for post programme work
  • Three 1-2 hour follow-up review sessions
  • Unlimited email and phone consultation with facilitator

Davis™ Foundations for Reading

Programme for emerging readers up to age 8

It is delivered over 10 mornings to allow the young child to get maximum benefits. Usually they attend school in the afternoons to put into practice the techniques they have learned. A parent or caregiver attends the sessions so that they can continue the techniques at home and do the post-programme work.

  • Letter and alphabet mastery
  • Common punctuation marks
  • 3 steps to easier reading
  • Mastery of basic words
  • Materials required for post programme work
  • Three 1-2 hour follow-up review sessions
  • Unlimited email and phone consultation with your facilitator

“Dyslexia is not a complexity. It is a compound of simple factors that need to be dealt with step-by-step”.

~Ronald D. Davis

Programme Details

The First Step

Arrange a free initial consultation and screening appointment. This consultation will help determine if the Davis Programme will successfully address your or your child’s learning difficulties. Allow two hours for the appointment.

If you or your child have been tested or diagnosed for a learning disability, you are welcome to bring along the information, email or fax a copy before your appointment.

For an informal online questionnaire, click here.


Typically we work Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 4 pm with a lunch break between noon and 1 pm. A family member must be available to supervise primary school children during lunch. Short breaks are taken throughout the day as needed for snacks, rest periods, and to celebrate significant successes.

Alternative timing can be arranged.

Programme Prerequisites

For the Davis Programme to be effective, a person must be personally motivated and willing to improve some aspect of learning or school performance. We also require that our clients disclose all medications.

If you have any questions about these requirements, please get in touch.

Every Davis Mastery for Dyslexia Programme includes:

  • Five consecutive days of one-to-one facilitation
  • For children ages 5-8 we offer a programme of 10 half-days over 2 weeks – see Davis Foundations for Reading
  • Support training for clients’ families, tutors or teachers on the afternoon of the fifth day to ensure post-programme follow-up and success
  • All necessary take-home materials for programme follow-up
  • Up to three 1-2 hour follow-up review meetings (usually done at 1, 3 & 6 months)
  • Unlimited phone and email consultations

Take the next step to correcting dyslexia!

I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of the Davis correction Programme for Dyslexia

Both of my sons have dyslexia (as do I). In fact, one son and I have dyspraxia too, and I turned to this system because I wanted to help him.

Did it work? Well, I wouldn’t be doing this if it didn’t! The Davis correction programme has meant that my sons have gone from believing they were dumb and not achieving to being successful at school and happy with themselves. The Davis Programme has changed the lives and self-esteem of my kids and myself, and I can do the same for you too.

You (or your child) don’t have to live with the frustrations of dyslexia. You don’t have to put up with the low self-esteem that comes from being different. If you’d like to be “just like the other kids” (or adults), or if you have any questions, just get in touch.

Margot Young

Licensed Davis Facilitator